Talent Bench - Frontend/Fullstack Engineer

  • January 11, 2024


Are you in search of a dynamic Frontend Engineer with a versatile skill set to enhance your development team? 

We know a young talent with 3 years of valuable experience, excelling as a Frontend Engineer. Additionally, he has proficiency as a Fullstack Engineer, demonstrating versatility in his technical capabilities.

His expertise extends across a range of technologies, including React, RoR, PHP, and Node. With a strong foundation in CSS and HTML, he possesses a keen eye for creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. This candidate is well-versed in AWS, CI/CD (Jenkins), and Docker, showcasing his commitment to modern development practices.

Not only does he excel in building robust applications, but he also has hands-on experience with automated testing, utilizing React Testing Library and Cypress for end-to-end testing. 

With a solid understanding of API development, this candidate is eager to take on new challenges and is actively seeking an international opportunity to further develop his skills. If you're looking to booster your team with a talented and adaptable Frontend/Fullstack Engineer, don't miss the chance to connect with him and explore the possibilities for your organization's growth!

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