Backend Developer

  • October 17, 2024

Looking for a Backend Developer to optimize and scale your systems?

This candidate brings over 5 years of comprehensive experience in the software development process, from requirements analysis to testing, production, and deployment. With a Bachelor's in Computer Science and currently pursuing an MBA in Fullcycle Architecture, they excel in backend development and cloud solutions.

Key Career Achievements:

  1. Legacy System Migration & Optimization: Led the migration of a critical legacy application, restructured its architecture, and significantly improved system availability and latency. This project had a direct impact on the system’s efficiency, handling a core component of the company’s product.

  2. Resolving Core Application Instability: Spearheaded the resolution of critical instability in a core application, restoring system functionality in minimal time. This required close collaboration with other teams and swift problem-solving under pressure.

  3. Cloud Service Abstraction Development: Contributed to developing an abstraction layer for cloud services, simplifying integrations for other developers and optimizing the team’s workflow and scale.

Professional Summary:

This developer is proficient in Python, Golang, Java, JavaScript, and PHP, with hands-on experience in SQL and NoSQL databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB). Their tech stack includes Docker, Terraform, RabbitMQ, Kafka, AWS, GCP, HTML, CSS, React, and Next.js, with a strong foundation in Test-Driven Development (TDD), Clean Architecture, and Git.

Tech Stack:

    • Languages: Python, Golang, Java, JavaScript, PHP
    • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB
    • Cloud & Infrastructure: AWS, GCP, Docker, Terraform
    • Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Next.js
    • Messaging & Observability: RabbitMQ, Kafka, DataDog, Kibana, NewRelic
    • Methodologies: SCRUM, TDD, Gitflow

Interested in exploring how this developer can elevate your backend systems?  Click here to talk with us.

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